What is the Working Principle of Chiller?

As a cooling system, a chiller can cool material down by removing heat from liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. The liquid gets circulated through a heat exchanger to cool equipment. In the system of a chiller, there is always a liquid working as a refrigerant going through the heat exchanger in order to transfer the heat energy. When the heat gets absorbed by the liquid, materials get chilled.


Working Principle of a Chiller

Though there are various kinds of chillers, they have the same working principle. A chiller system is about transferring and taking in the heating energy. Hence, the transformation of heating energy is the basic working principle of a chiller system. In the working process of a chiller system, the heating energy get transferred from a kind of material or any other thing to a middle solvent or substance. In the process of transferring heating energy, the pointed materials’ heating energy get absorbed and turned into a cold situation, which is the destination of a chiller system.

What is the Difference between HVAC and Chiller?

HVAC stands for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, which is a kind of technology combining the functions of heating, air circulation, and its conditioning. HVAC can achieve the purpose of cooling by utilizing fluid dynamics and the exchange of thermal energy. But a chiller is used to remove heat generated in a given process. It can provide low-temperature circulating cooling water (liquid) or low temperature thermostatic water (liquid) to cool equipment or keep equipment at a constant temperature, such as rotary evaporator, fermentation tank, electron microscope, low temperature chemical reactor, electron spectrometer, mass spectrometer, density meter, freeze dryer, vacuum coating apparatus, reactor and other equipment.

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