Are Closed Loop Extractors Safe?

A closed loop extractor is a device used to extract solvents from solid substance. It’s a loop system. It is widely used for cannabis concentration in industry. In the whole process, there are several parts serving the extraction of solvents. Solvents can be used and recycled in the closed loop extractor, which is very economic … Read more

Hydrocarbon Extraction: Is Butane Extraction Safe?

[ux_image id=”24727″ height=”64%” lightbox=”true” caption=”true” image_overlay=”rgba(98, 152, 179, 0.06)” image_hover=”zoom” image_hover_alt=”zoom-long”] [gap] The light hydrocarbons are always used as main extraction solvents by closed loop extraction, known as hydrocarbon extraction. The butane extraction, as a kind of the most commonly used hydrocarbon extraction, uses butane as an extraction solvent. It is a low-pressure system, by … Read more

When is Short Path Distillation Used?

The short path distillation is one of the most high-efficiency distillation techniques in people’s using, which can solve the problem that conventional distillation technology can’t. It is widely used in food, medicine, fine chemicals, electronic materials, plastic engineering and polymers (such as polyols, fatty acids, polyphenols, polyurethane, epoxy resins, lactic acid, monoglycerides, flavors, heavy oils … Read more

Differences Between Water-Cooled and Air-Cooled Chillers

What is a Chiller? A chiller can be regarded as a cooling system that cools materials down by removing heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. The liquid gets circulated through a heat exchanger to cool equipment. In a chiller system, there is always a liquid working as a refrigerant going … Read more

What are Medical Reasons to Need a Deep Freezer?

  A freezer plays an important role in medical institutions as well, which is specially designed based on medical reasons known as ultra-low temperature medical freezers or refrigerators. This kind of medical freezers or refrigerators are mainly used for refrigerating, storing and delivering medicines, biological agents, vaccines and blood, as well as storing biological products, … Read more

How does an Ultra-Low Temperature Medical Freezer Work?

A medical refrigerator, known as ultra-low temperature medical freezer or refrigerator as well, is a type of medical refrigerators in the medical industry. It is generally regarded as a professional laboratory instrument for storing medicines that requires refrigeration. What are Uses of a Medical Freezer? An ultra-low temperature freezer is primarily used in the scientific research institution, … Read more

What is an ULT Freezer?

What is an ULT Freezer? The ULT freezer is the abbreviation of the ultra-low temperature freezer, which is a common type of medical freezers. It is typically used for the storage of drugs, enzymes, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, tissue samples and other items with a temperature range of -45℃ to -86℃. There are a great variety … Read more

How does CO2 Extraction Work?

The carbon dioxide (CO2) can be used as a kind of solvent for extracting cannabinoids, terpenes, essential oils and other components from hemp or cannabis plants, which plays an important role in the cannabis extraction process. Especially after the solvent recovery technology has developed, CO2 extraction has even become a norm, which is used to … Read more